Wednesday, 12 January 2011


So, 3 days to go. What's left to do? Just animate really. Watch this for Dominique's block out of the animation. I did start this, but Dommeh took over. In terms of the actual animation though, I guess that's my fault. Well partly. All I did was do parts that actually needed animation, and deleted the keyframes which created that blocked out effect. It was obvious at this point that some things were far too fast, and the camera did go a bit weird at points.

I did try to fix it, but what I managed to salvage did not impress me at this point in time, as it wasn't as I had envisioned. Time was spent trying to correct but no prevail as time was running out. I had to get everything ready and set up to render, otherwise it wouldn't be finished in time.

State of mind: Stressed, because of both projects, and because of the fact that the animation isn't as cool as I'd hoped.

The water drops and puddle I was previously talking about, along with a nice bit of scenery. Lighting is pretty much perfect, sunset. This is what I've been aiming for and working towards.
I had a specific idea in mind for the layout. Since the rat pretty much sticks to the right hand side of the road / street once he emerges from the starter house, I thought it would be common sense for me to place the houses of which everyone had modelled, on the left. This is pretty much the most sensible way I could expect the camera to at least brush past. :p Now, it's just time to animate and render.

Last but not least, the only thing that's now left is the main house. Because we were running out of time, I started blocking out the animation. This was later taken over by dominique, who then passed the job on to gerome, so it's a shared effort between the two of them on my model. After it was done I textured the pipe.

In terms of animating, the block out was to allow us to see how things would move, so hopefully we wouldn't have a shoddy animation. Stay tuned.
Another quick render shot of the end of the street. Geromes house is straight ahead, my house is on the ight, and Lily's house is on the left.
The sacred apple, the apple of LIFE! Yes, this is the apple which the rat spots from a distance, only to get taken away right in front of his eyes. It's because of this that the rat has to go and look elsewhere for food. :P
Another screenshot demonstrating the water as below.
Now, I don't know if you can actually see this, but in case you can't later on there is a brighter image. As I mentioned before I did try partical emission techniques to try and get rain to fall, and puddles to develop. As I mentioned before also, I failed with this horribly. Thankfully though, I managed to solve quite a few puddles and placed them around the map.
Gerome suggested that I applied a brown tint to the lighting, to give London that overall muddy, dirty look. He said that he liked it, but envisioned London as it should be, being more grey. This lighting was obviously discarded.

Whilst at this point, Oly didn't have anything to do for a while. So I asked her if she could perhaps make some trees. Unfortunately, I'm not to sure what was wrong with them but the leaves we're showing up as leafy blocks. Because of this I could not use them as it would look really wrong. Instead, I deleted the leaves from the tree, re-applied the textures, and imported them back into the scene.

Thankfully, which is something I didn't notice until later on, is that Oly had actually animated one of the trees a little bit. It's a shame that it didn't work properly though.

Credit is given where it is due, so props to you Oly, and everyone else thus far. You're all lazy noobs, but you all work when time is near (kinda) xD

And yes, I'm included in that :P
Once everything was back in place, I began to import, apply the textures, move, scale, etc; of all the objects which needed to be put in. So

Stalls - By lily
Barrels - By lily
Apple - By Sarah
Rat - By Gerome.

These props we're randomly placed according to light and shadow, and camera shot which matched the animatic.
Sarahs house! Looks cool. Just thought I'd state that. And next to sarah's house is dominiques house. Finally finished, error free. It's all done. Yaaaay. Just need to put everything back into it's original place.

Now, this image is very important. I don't know if you can actually see the text, but if you can, it states that all the red arrows, are the the objects modelled and textured by me. So the buildings,
and the floor. I didn't bother state what houses I had textured if I didn't model them. There wasn't that many anyways.

There was, Gerome's house, and Oly's house aside from mine, but that is it.
Again, this is just the finished texture / UV of my twin house.
This is a screen with default lights, again just to see most of the stuff that I've done, on the floor that I've done. :p
Another test with all the buildings moved out of the way. Again, just for lighting purposes to see where specific shadows would end up.
I decided to go back and try and rework the lighting, the make sure that it was dark enough to reflect the mood of which we wanted to convey. Right.
Right. ALMOST FINISHED. This is actually an earlier screenshot. But I pretty much wanted to show all the objects I full modelled AND textured AND lit.

^Specular map for Geromes house.
^ Displacement map for geromes house.
Texture map I created for geromes house. Yes, he's a villain in our project. :P This was done pretty much using brushes in photoshop. Now if you're wondering, I didn't fully texture the house properly in the sense of using wood. What I did was copy a side of one of my original buildings, edit it a bit, and then put it on to the side of this building. Purely for the reason that I didn't feel it was necessary as you'd only see a little bit of the side.

The position of this building is only going to be seen pretty much from the front of the house. As I said before, only model, texture and animate what the camera is going to see.

Bump and displacement map. - Previously explained what these two are for. :p

Ollie hasn't been able to make it to mine yet (work and other commitments) so I'm texturing her building as well. These textures were pretty much taken from some of my other UVs / textures. In this specific example you can blatantly see my previous textured house in the top left corner

SOOOOOO. Part four of the journey.

Before I start my annotation and comments, I'd like to take this brief moment to state where we are.

Just over four days to go. And this is where I'm currently at. Lily is doing a barrel, and a stall. Sarah is doing an apple. Gerome is doing a rat.

How do I feel? Stressed. Very stressed. I'm doing too much work in too little time. :<>

Just got to push forward I guess.

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